miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013

If something bad can happen, it will

Last class we worked with unit 6A (pgs. 64-65, Vocabulary Bank p.149 part 2 and Grammar Bank pgs. 136-137 6A)
We discussed Murphy´s Law and this is the new structure we learned:

Conditional I

If + present simple + will + infinitive
If you donate something that you don´t use, you will need it the next week.

Then we had a short oral exam and a quiz on unit 5.


Workbook: Unit 6A
Writing: Student´s book p. 61, do exercises a, b and c.

Links I recommend:

Lesson A-Grammar exercises
Conditional I-Grammar exercise
Formal and informal letters-Video

jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013

Decisions, decisions and What should I do?

Last class we worked with units 6C and 6D (modals may/might and should/shouldn´t)
Here are some examples:


I need a new computer but I don´t know how to pay for it, I may/might use my credit card.


May I come in?


If you want to improve your listening skills, you should watch sitcoms and movies.
If you are on a diet, you shouldn´t eat sweets and fast food.

A similar modal verb is ought to/ought not to:

You ought to be on time if you want to make a good impression.
If you have a cold, you ought not to smoke.


Workbook: Units 6C and 6D
Student´s book: page 152 Vocabulary Bank get
Practice for the mini test: review Unit 5 and do the exercises on pgs. 62-63

Links I recommend:

Lesson C and lesson D-Grammar exercises
Advice on writing your CV-Listening
Writing your CV-Reading
Sarah´s Interview-Video
Lend vs borrow-Video
Song: "We are the champions" Interactive listening exercise

miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2013

How much can you learn in a month?

Source: English Speaking Club (Facebook page)

Last class we talked about modals of obligation (have to, don´t have to, must, mustn´t)
We worked with unit 5C in the Student´s Book (pgs. 56-57) and then with the grammar section 5C on pages 134-135.
We couldn´t finish Vocabulary section 5 (on page 57) so it´s pending until Friday.


Workbook: Unit 5C.

Student´s book: Unit 5D pgs. 58-59 (only Vocabulary a and f, Grammar d and Reading b
As we only have 3 classes left before the test, I would like to spend more time with the most important topics and leave the easy stuff as homework.

Skills book: Reading on page 50 and complete the chart on page 51 (only the first chart)

Links I recommend:

Modal verbs (obligation)

Prepositions of movement

Just for fun, the Song "Kiss" with lyrics. Notice the use of don´t have to (it means lack of obligation, similar to don´t need to)

See you on Friday!

martes, 5 de noviembre de 2013

What makes you feel good?

Source: English Speaking Club (Facebook page)

Last class we reviewed the to-infinitive rules. (Unit 5A). After that we started to work with Unit 5B in the Student´s book (p. 54-55) The unit focuses on the -ing form (also called gerund). Then we read the verb list on page 154 (-ing verbs)
At the end of the class we checked the telephone exercises in the Skills (pgs. 32-34)

Use the -ing form:

1-When we use a verb as a noun (for example, as the subject of a sentence)
Smoking is bad for your health.

2-After some verbs (love, enjoy, like, mind, etc.)
I enjoy dancing salsa.

3-When we use a verb after a preposition.
I´m interested in buying a car.


Workbook: Unit 5B (complete)
Skills: pgs. 53-56 (reading and exercises)

Links I recommend:

Lesson B verb + ing-Exercises
Gerund or infinitive?-Exercise
How to talk about your education-Business Video
Computer Symbols-Video
Will vs going to-Video