lunes, 9 de septiembre de 2013

From rags to riches

Last class we reviewed the topic "clothes" (page 150) and talked briefly about Zara´s history and success (page 40)
Then we moved on to the Grammar section (page 41 and 132-4A) After this we worked with the exercises on page 133-4A (a and b)
Finally, we completed the speaking exercise on page 41.

Present Perfect (for experience)

Affirmative sentences

Subject+have/has+(never)+Past participle
He has never written a book.
They have worked abroad as teachers.


Have/has+subject+(ever)+Past participle?
Have you ever given a speech?
Have you seen the film Casablanca?


Workbook: page 31 exercise 3 a, page 32 exercises b and c.

These are some links I recommend for further practice:
Lesson A present perfect or past simple
More about the Present perfect
Present perfect or simple past?

Memory game-Clothes and colour

At the end of the class we listened to the song "True Blue" by Madonna and we read this article about being a language learner:

See you next class!

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